Are you a Carer, Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist? Join CDAA.

Care Managers

Care Managers

Caring with a smile

Our services are not only professional, it's the dedication that originates from the true caring and devotion to people in need.
Care Managers

Attentive listener

You can share anything with us, we're willing to hear and give you sincere advice from both professional and humane views.
Care Managers

Qualified Care Managers

Our care managers are professionals in the field and have worked several years with patients who suffers both physical and mental issues.

A Professional Care Provider

We are committed to improving the quality of our members’ overall health and helping them to live a happy and healthier life. We believe in the principles behind patient center care and meeting our members where they are. We aim to provide quality care for our members and their families.
Maurice Becker
Abbie Ferguson
Joel Mills
Rex Watson
Andrew Chamber

Call to book your meeting today!